Principle Investigator: 
Mishac K. Yegian, Northeastern University

An innovative method for liquefaction mitigation based on inducing partial saturation (IPS) is studied in this research project. Laboratory tests have led to the conclusion that introduction of gas bubbles in sands, thus reducing its degree of saturation, prevents the occurrence of liquefaction. To further advance IPS as a liquefaction mitigation measure to be considered by the professional engineering community in practice, a comprehensive research and verification program is proposed with testing in large-scale laboratory and field experiments. The goal of this proposed research is two folds: 1) to conduct fundamental research exploring the feasibility of inducing partial saturation under field conditions, by injecting very low concentration of sodium percarbonate solution and (through flow, transport, and reactivity processes) slowly generate oxygen gas bubbles in sands, and 2) to demonstrate the effectiveness of IPS in preventing the occurrence of liquefaction.

A portion of the field testing fro this project is taking place at the NEES@UCSB Wildlife Site.



​The UCSB Geotechnical Array monitoring program is jointly funded by the Department of Energy (award #DE-SC0020291) and a gift from Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 

This site previously funded 2015 to 2017 by the NRC Contract#NRC-HQ-60-15-C-000, project title "Observations and Analysis of Geotechnical Data". And 2004 to 2014 by the Geoge E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) Program of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Award# CMMI-0927178. With additional funding from USGS.